Jeff's cousin - Van - married a beautiful girl - Nicole - at the end of January. Our plans were to head up on Friday so we could go to the rehearsal dinner and then to the wedding on Saturday morning. But that all changed with the SNOW that was forecasted for the weekend. So...the rehearsal turned into the wedding and the rehearsal dinner turned into the reception.
While others were changing their travel plans and cancelling hotel reservations...Jeff firmly said we were going no matter what the weather was going to be. We had not seen his cousin since our wedding (many, many years ago) or his aunts and uncles since the kids were little.
So, we picked the kids up from school (a little earlier than originally planned) and hit the road. We got to the hotel in Wilson, NC in time to visit with family and get ready for the wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and a lovely reception!
It started snowing while we were at the reception and we woke up to a couple of inches on the ground. It was a "white-knuckle" drive for the first couple of hours but, with Jeff at the helm, we had no problems whatsoever on the snow covered roads. And it only took us about 45 extra minutes on the return trip.
We had a whirl-wind of a great time but wish there had been more time to visit with family.