Sunday, September 20, 2009

Clemson vs Boston College - 9/19/09

As many of you know, the Boston College game turned out to be one great big wet mess! But it started off with much better weather. Kind of gray and no rain for our pre-game tailgate. For this game, we parked in Lot 13, Met some nice folks (who actually ended up giving us the 2 extra tickets that we need for the game) and enjoyed a great lunch. Molly & I sat with the Batcheldors and Jeff & Carson sat in the upper deck. Just a little bit of rain in the 1st half but nothing that even required a rain jacket. But the 2nd half was a completely different story...rain, thunder and lightning, and rain delays! The boys toughed it out in the stadium and the girls went to tailgate with friends. But when the 2nd rain delay was called, we decided to pack up and head back to NA. Got back to North Augusta to find blue skies and no rain all day. But we all had a great time and I don't think I heard the kids complain once about all the yucky weather.
my Clemson cuties!
future Tiger cheerleader?

future Tiger quarterback?

our other parking spot - Lot 13