We left for Greenville Friday afternoon in the rain and fog with a sick kid in tow. (Carson - another random fever caused by ALWAYS putting his hands in his mouth) After a quick stop at mom & dad's house, we headed to my brother-in-law Cory's 40th birthday party. It was a lot of fun but we had to cut the evening short because we wanted to get up early to leave for the game.

Saturday, Jeff went to the grocery store to get our tailgating supplies while Molly & I got ready for the game. (Carson did not go with us because he had not been very well behaved at school that week) I was a little worried about the weather but "Weatherman Jeff" assured me that things would be just fine - and he was right. We got to Clemson in time for Jeff and Molly to go watch the Tiger Walk and then tailgated with friends until game time.
During half time, we met up with some friends from North Augusta to go see the Homecoming floats. They looked a lot better than I expected after all that rain. And I think the girls had
their picture taken with every float there!