Molly & Carson live in North Augusta, South Carolina. It is just across the Savannah River (and a little north, I guess) from Augusta, Georgia. Molly & Carson have lived in North Augusta for 2 1/2 year and they really like it here. They like their school (North Augusta Elementary), their neighborhood (Bergen Place), their house and especially their backyard. Molly & Carson like to go on adventures in their backyard, so they thought they would take Flat Stanley on an adventure with them.

There are lots of things to do and see in the backyard. Molly & Carson's mom has planted lots of pretty flowers. And sometimes, when their mom isn't looking, they like to pick the beautiful flowers to give to her.

They also have a swing set. Molly & Carson like to see how high they can swing. Sometimes Carson likes to jump off the swing when it is really high to see if he can fly. Molly likes to pretend that the swing set is a castle where she -- Princess Molly -- is the ruler of the backyard. If Carson is really nice, she will let them him play in her castle, too.

Flat Stanley also got to play soccer with Carson. Carson LOVES to play soccer. His cousin Cole got to watch him play in a soccer tournament in
Greenville a couple of weeks ago, too. Carson tried to teach Flat Stanley how to juggle the soccer ball but the ball kept squishing him flatter every time he missed!

Molly likes the tree house the best of everything in their backyard. She likes to pretend that she she is a teacher and makes Carson & Flat Stanley do all of their work before they can go out to play. While they were playing school in the tree house, Flat Stanley got sad because he had been missing his friend - Cole - at Paris Elementary. So Molly & Carson had their mom pack up Flat Stanley and send him home.