Monday - We went to a Clemson Golf drop-in/fundraiser and got to meet Lucas Glover (who was in town playing in the Masters) and the golf coach - Larry Penley. Ben Martin - US Amateur runner-up and Clemson student/golfer was supposed to be there but he had the Amateur dinner to attend.
Tuesday - We went to Greenville. Got to pick up Sydney and Cole from school and played with them all afternoon. Dinner at Muvie's with most of the gang.
Wednesday thru Sunday - On Wednesday, everyone in Greenville had school, work or golf, so we packed up and headed to Garden City. Jeff was able to join us that night after work. And we all had a great time. We had good weather - sunny, 70's and a little bit breezy. We were able to spend time on the beach, play in the pools and hot tubs, Jeff and Carson played golf, we all played putt putt, dinner out every night -- all in all, a very relaxing trip.
The pictures below are the only ones I took while we were at the beach but I think they sum up our trip pretty well...