We decided to head to AL late Thursday night in order to avoid as much Atlana traffic as possible. We got in late (to us - 11:30 central) but the kids were great travelers and slept
most of the way.
Friday, we hung out with Granna & Gramps around the house, the boys played golf and the girls went to the pool. We met Greg - Shelley - Madeleine Anne - George in Pell City (about half way in between Anniston & Birmingham) for dinner at Cracker Barrell. Dinner was great as always and it was nice to just hang out in the rocking chairs and visit for a while.
Late Friday night, we took a little trip to the ER with Carson. He woke up screaming!! We already knew he had swimmer's ear and an ear infection in his left ear but weren't sure what was causing the pain. (I think he rolled over and hit his ear but we also wanted to rule out a burst eardrum or something). It was a quick trip to the ER that resulted in a shot of antibiotics in the booty for Carson. To hear him tell the story, he thinks one of the nurses must have thrown a dart at him!
We spent the 4th at the lake with BoBo (Jeff's grandmother) and all of the Chapmans and a few of their friends!

Molly had a great time playing in the lake
and Carson had a no-so-great time fishing and staying out of the lake (but at least he was a good sport about it all)
Molly went tubing with a few of her "cousins"
(actually Jeff's cousins' children)
and Carson went for a couple of spins on the "Pink Pony"
(the Brockwell's old jet ski that is so old it even went to college with Jeff)
Jeff & Molly spent some quality time with George on the porch.
We enjoyed a huge meal, celebrated July birthdays and played some more before heading back to Anniston.
Sunday morning, the kids were practically pushing us out of the house so that Camp GG (Granna & Gramps) could get started!!!